Collaborate Seamlessly Across MindMeister and Microsoft Teams

This post was updated on April 14, 2020.

Mind maps are living documents. Your brainstorming session in MindMeister may end, but that doesn’t mean that your resulting mind map should now be discarded — in fact, this is often just the starting point for your project. Thanks to a new update for MindMeister’s integration with Microsoft Teams, you can now open any map you’ve created with MindMeister directly in Teams and keep collaborating on it with your team members as you turn your ideas into reality!

MindMeister for Microsoft Teams Update

Teams everywhere are getting serious about creating their strategy for the next quarter, deciding on budget allocations, and discussing what to focus their resources on over the next few months. Oftentimes, this planning process starts in a mind map. In a typical scenario, the team leader opens a blank map in MindMeister and outlines the basic structure of their strategy. 

Strategy mind map outline

In a second step, the team members are invited to the map, so they can contribute their ideas.

Collaboration in a mind map

In a meeting, the team then discusses everybody’s input, re-organizes the structure of the map, and finalizes the strategy.  

Final Strategy Mind Map

Great — but what happens next? Do you print out the map and hang it up on a wall in your office? You might. But then, what if the plan needs to be adjusted? You could also just leave it in MindMeister, where it’ll remain until you need it next time. But then, your strategy should always be front of mind for your team, not collecting dust in some folder, shouldn’t it?   

Keeping Your Mind Maps Front of Mind

A strategy mind map — or indeed any type of project or campaign plan you outline in a map — is a living document that should be kept right at your fingertips, ready to be reviewed, discussed, and updated regularly. If you’re using Microsoft Teams to collaborate in your organization, then your best move is to include the map there, right inside your team’s channel

Open Mind Maps in Microsoft Teams to Keep the Collaboration Going

With our latest update, users who log in to MindMeister with an Azure Active Directory account* are now able to take the maps they’ve created in MindMeister and, at the click of a button, open them in Microsoft Teams. For a seamless transition, your map collaborators are automatically added to Microsoft Teams. This way, the people who’ve created the map in the first place continue to be part of the collaborative process.

Opening a mind map in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a powerful hub for teamwork — it’s where your team discusses projects, campaigns, issues and questions. And now, they can do this right next to the mind map that visualizes your strategic goals and projects. Adjustments to your plans can be made on the fly, without switching tools, and whenever the need arises.  

With MindMeister for Microsoft Teams, you keep all your team members on the same page and ensure that your strategies, project plans, and campaign documents are always right in front of them.   

Try It Now!

*Learn more about who can use this integration in our online help center.